Roasted Cashew Bark

Casa Bosques

Regular price $24.00
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The epitome of a proper chocolate bark, full of slowly roasted jumbo organic cashews embedded in a 74% chocolate.

Ingredients - organic heirloom bean cacao, roasted cashews and cane sugar. 

Net Weight 90 gr (3.17 oz)


Casa Bosques is based on the exploration of the history, methods, origins, and culture of chocolate, designed  every season by a collection of creative collaborations.
Sourced from small ranches throughout México, and primarily from a single smallholder ranch in the southern region of Pichucalco, Chiapas, Mexico, Casa Bosques’s rare and pure white “Criollo” cacao beans are single origin, organic, and fair trade; allowing close involvement every step of the way. From tree to bar in México, Casa Bosques crafts chocolate with the same care as the farmers tending the flora and harvesting each heirloom bean.
Our chocolate is just two ingredients: Heirloom cacao beans and organic cane sugar. By using only two ethically sourced ingredients the tones and nuances in each individual custom blend are generously highlighted. We never add cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla, flavorings, or preservatives.


Part workshop, part experimental test kitchen, the Casa Bosques atelier is an exciting space where artisans work busily, using tools and ingredients of the highest quality. Driven by creativity, they combine their talents with the rarest of techniques to exalt gastronomic dreams.


Craftsmanship and artistry are revered at Casa Bosques, embodying an in-house tradition of artistic independence where lead creatives from Savvy design studio in Mexico City and New York City develop chocolate-inspired ideas with collaborating artists. Chocolate by Casa Bosques is an innate source of creativity and storytelling that constantly evolves thanks to new experimental combinations and artistic collaborations oered each season. With every detail considered, the Casa Bosques experience is distinct. In this way, each artist's edition is a work, an edible multiple. Offering the same high-quality heirloom cacao as our Signature Bars, the packaging in the artist series thoughtfully showcases the story of its production.


Blue corn, leaves, malt, sesame paste, roses, ants, preserved lemon, a chocolate bar using ingredients from the local Japanese market, a nut from India, chocolates as an edible sculpture, shaped into a bar of soap, and the marrow of bone... The ingredients are poetic, wonderful, and endless. Casa Bosques pays no heed to the convention but every attention to craftsmanship, and the creative power of imagination. Each bite becomes the seduction of a moment, the joy of a journey, a delicate treat, and a moment to share.


Casa Bosques aims to engage multiple senses, beginning from the moment the packaging is unfolded and peeled back revealing chocolate nestled inside. Each bar is crafted as an experience for the eyes, the nose, and the tongue. From the photography and artist’s works specically selected to complement each avor, to the vision of the ingredients appearing beneath the gold foil wrapper. The swirl of ingredients fuse into a fragrant scent and the mouth instantly salivates.


Our artisanal, handmade chocolates feature the rare and pure white bean cacao “Criollo,” grown by a smallholder ranch in Chiapas: a humid, tropical climate in the southernmost region of México. Casa Bosques partnered with a farm specialized in growing these heirloom cacao beans, where they are thoughtfully and exclusively produced for Casa Bosques, allowing us to be involved in every step of the process. Each new approach to the cacao bean informs our practice, invoking the constant discovery of new techniques, and harmonies of flavors, aromas, and textures. By experimenting with herbs and spices, grains, seeds, medicinal plants, and traditional ingredients, we are continuously seeking new ways to showcase the terroir that is the union between the land and the people.


With a deep respect for the natural environment, our farmers draw upon ancient, traditional techniques used in Mesoamerican cacao gardens, where numerous native trees coexist harmoniously among diverse plant species, creating a lush canopied forest to enrich the soil. The varieties of Criollo cacao (white almond) growing in these conditions are regarded worldwide for their exceptional quality, flavor, and aroma.

CBB is a project by Rafael Prieto, founder, and creative director of Savvy Studio, a branding and architecture design firm based in New York and México City.